Ceane Towers is a grandmother from the Darug Nation (Warmuli – Cannemegal (Prospect clan) in Sydney, NSW, with connections to the Wiradjuri and Gamilaraay Nations.
Ceane has worked professionally, volunteered, and directed on many boards in the First Nations communities all her adult life. Ceane is a First Nations choreographer, teacher, and performer for close to 40 years who’s competed with her twin daughters by her side at several National Dance Rites competitions in Sydney, with Wagana.
Ceane has studied at the University of Technology gaining her Bachelor’s and Masters’s degrees that specialize in Education and Social Policy with a focus on First Nation threads. Ceane attended the University of Macquarie where she achieved Narrative Therapy Counselling Practice techniques to work with her people and is currently at the Batchelor Institute in the Northern Territory pursuing her PhD.
Ceane is from an unbroken matriarch line of strong medicine women from Black Kitty. Her mother and grandmothers were gifted as Ceane is with Oolgna, gut wisdom– garrah – mah way of intuition. My interests are being a watchhouse for clearing energies, knowledge of bush medicines, living and teaching cultural knowledge, painting, and woodwork. In life, I am about planting seeds and protecting the next 7 generations of children.
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Burany Presss acknowledges and pays our respects to the traditional custodians across the lands, waters and seas, and thank our Elders for their continued custodianship, while recognising that Sovereignty was never ceded.
We also thank our Badimia / Badimaya ancestors and Elders for continuing to guide us.