This project aims to celebrate the diverse and deeply transformational journeys of reconnection with our ancestral heritage, showcasing the resilience, wisdom, diversity and vibrancy of First Nations cultures across Australia.
‘Reawakening’ seeks to explore the personal and communal paths of First Nations peoples as we navigate the complexities of reclaiming the sleeping culture within.
We are looking for stories that delve into the heart of identity, resilience, and the resurgence of cultural practices, offering insights into the differing ways our communities view identity and are reconnecting with their ancestral strengths, knowledges and wisdoms.
Are you a First Nations storyteller with a story to tell? We would love to hear from you. Visit our Submissions page for guidelines on how to submit your manuscript.
Explore our Catalogue to discover your next great read and join us in celebrating the spirit of First Nations communities
(Coming soon).
We offer a range of educational materials. Check out our [Educational Resources] section for books and tools to bring First Nations stories into your classroom (Coming Soon).
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Burany Press is an arm of Warida Wholistic Wellness.
Opening Hours:
Monday – Friday 9:30am – 5pm
Phone: +61438253202
Address: Kaurna Country, Lower Hermitage South Australia
Burany Presss acknowledges and pays our respects to the traditional custodians across the lands, waters and seas, and thank our Elders for their continued custodianship, while recognising that Sovereignty was never ceded.
We also thank our Badimia / Badimaya ancestors and Elders for continuing to guide us.