Patricia Mamanyjun Torres is a First Nation woman from Djugun, Yawuru, Ngumbarl/Jabirr-Jabirr, Nyul-Nyul, Bard & Karajarri people of the West Kimberley region. Pat is passionate about recording the languages of her people and including the preservation and maintenance of cultural knowledge systems. She is nationally recognised for her knowledge about Australia’s first foods and the ancient agricultural practices of her cultural groups in the West Kimberley region and ancient stories of her people. Pat has created bi-lingual books in the Yawuru and Nyul-Nyul languages with Elders through the Magabala Books publishing company and also contributed to other publications throughout Australia.
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Burany Presss acknowledges and pays our respects to the traditional custodians across the lands, waters and seas, and thank our Elders for their continued custodianship, while recognising that Sovereignty was never ceded.
We also thank our Badimia / Badimaya ancestors and Elders for continuing to guide us.